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Visit Downtown


Winsett Village exists only in the world of Georgie Green but represents much of what I experienced growing up- the small town feel of neighbors reaching out and helping one another, supporting local business and gathering together to support their community. Here are some of my favorite community links and ways to find the same closer to you! Join us on Facebook to share some of your favorite shops as well to help this list grow!!



























This American Express supported website is an excellent resource for finding small businesses in your area!

Check out these Links to NH Downtowns!

Concord                       Exeter

Keene                          Manchester

Nashua                         Hanover

Portsmouth                    Meredith

 Opportunities to Volunteer!

   "I know this is your favorite part of town and, well this is how it looks from the top of that huge beech tree at the end of The Food Group's parking lot."


-From The Revenge of Mackie Fitzsimmons

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